Eating According to My Body’s Requests

Caesar salad. At "Ruby Slipper" Rest...

Image via Wikipedia

Now, how does one do this?  I decided yesterday before I went grocery shopping that I would only buy what my body asked for.  How did I do that?  Sway (or energy/muscle) Testing, of course!!  It’s easy to do… let me refresh your memory or introduce it to you.   Simply stand comfortably (preferably with your eyes closed), take a deep breath to relax yourself – then, say “my name is..(insert your name here)”.   Notice which way you feel yourself swaying – either forward or back.  Then, say “my name is ..(use Bob or Joe or somebody’s name you don’t like)” and notice if you move in the other direction.  Whichever direction you move when you say your own name is your truth direction or your “yes”.

When I went shopping this time, I had no list and had decided that I would trust my body’s requests and would, somehow, make meals based on what ended up in my cart.  I just picked up an item and held it against my stomach and asked “Is this what my body needs this week for nourishment?”   It’s a very interesting way to shop – try it sometime!   The fun part now is putting together meals…I’m trying something new here, too.

I’ve decided that for this week, or for as long as I can stand it, I will Sway Test for, not only, what my body wants me to eat but, also, for any seasonings and condiments.  So, today, for lunch, I made a salad of spinach, kiwi, sprouts (my own) and flax oil – I even Sway Tested how much of each to use and was, pleasantly, surprised to feel full after eating.   Then, my supper consisted of pork (thinly sliced, seasoned with Sway Tested seasonings) and cooked in coconut oil along with steamed asparagus and served with a, sort of, Caesar salad.    Again, filling and satisfying!   The pork selection surprised me as I have all sorts of fish in the freezer but, what the heck, maybe my body knows something I don’t know as to what vitamins or minerals are needed today.

It’ll be an interesting week – I’m really curious as to what changes this new way of fueling my body will bring.   I’ll keep you posted!

About Lou Kurjata

My passion is helping people bring their whole self back into balance - physically, energetically, nutritionally and emotionally.
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4 Responses to Eating According to My Body’s Requests

  1. Marilyn says:

    Interesting to see how much your choices cost … did you go up and down each aisle or did you sway test that too?

    • lkurjata says:

      Interestingly enough, as I’ve had lots of practice with this, I sway tested the aisles so didn’t go down some of them and I spent less than I normally do even though most of it was organic.

  2. Joyce Lee says:

    This is indeed interesting Lou. It’s so empowering to trust our inner wisdom. I’ll remember to do this…
    ‘Lettuce’ know how it goes.
    By the way… Did the other shoppers think you were drinking… up and down the aisles, swaying to and fro?
    Brightest Blessings

    • lkurjata says:

      I’m past the point of caring what people think anymore….but will stop and explain, if anyone should ask. Then, it’s fun to see them try it. Lots of my clients have been shown how to do this and have tried it so there’s more swayers than just me!

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