Eating For Your Body’s Health!

Various fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains; ...

Image via Wikipedia

Eating your food, all your food, raw is not something most people think about trying.   However, if we ate most of our food in it’s natural state, we’d be able to reverse most of the chronic degenerative dis-eases known to man…after all, a crappy diet is primarily the reason we get to that state in the first place!

Are you aware that a low grade inflammatory state is what is behind heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and that this state is kept in place by eating foods that our bodies can’t tolerate?

This is why I began my experiment of using the Sway Test as my indicator of how to feed my body in the best way possible.   And, here is what I discovered:

  1. It takes less time to shop for my food (I used to like to linger over my selections and would end up with a lot of food that would stuff up my sinuses!)
  2. Because I’m trusting my body to choose what it needs for nutrition, I’m a lot less stressed about making the right choices food-wise.
  3. I’m losing weight (slowly) because I’m really satisfied with the meals I’ve been putting together when I use the Sway Test for everything – I even choose the spices and condiments this way and everything is really tasty!
  4. I’ve even extended this to eating out – using another, more discrete method of Energy Testing – to choose off the menu selections.  Then, I just enjoy what’s on my plate without stressing on whether I’ll regret it later!

Truthfully, I just feel better about the whole food thing now and will continue to do this for myself and would encourage you to do the same for yourself.

I’m waiting for a couple of DVD’s called “Simply Raw” and “Raw for Life” to come in and then will share this with the people of Dawson Creek in January – so look for when this will happen!!!  In the meantime, check out these video clips from the DVD’s and notice how many people have commented or liked this page.  Get your own copy and take your health to a new level!


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A Little Bit of Everything!

This past week, I decided that it was time to do an internal spring-cleaning so am in the middle of doing a 3-day detox that I found on – a web-site that is full of good information on food.  In fact, I have their DVD!  And, it reminded me that eating 75% or more raw is not that hard to do – especially if you like juicing – and it’s easy, delicious, nutritious and very good for everyone.  Check their web-site out, watch the DVD on-line or rent it from me and try out some of their ideas – you will only get healthier!

In addition to that, I’ve been listening to more teleseminars on the Emotional Freedom Tapping and have found a tapping routine that goes along with my internal spring-cleaning! If you click here, you can tap on healthier food choices for yourself easily and effortlessly as I am.  And, if you don’t know anything about EFT, you might want to check this site out,, and start with a 5 day mini-course which will land in your email over 5 days so you can easily see how so many areas of your life can be improved through this method.

Finally, in the last post I wrote about Spring Forest Qi-gong and Qi-ssage.   The Monday Informational Session this week will be a refresher on both so that everyone who got a piece of either one can finish both.  I do know that a few of the people attending these sessions have ordered his set and more than a few of you have signed up for his free on-line lessons and are getting a taste of Chunyi Lin’s marvelous program for healing!

For your information as well, myself, Joyce Lee, Marilyn Carroll and Gloria Cleve have formed Quantum Popcorn DC and are presenting monthly videos that will expand your thinking and horizons.  So far, we’ve shown “Spirit Space” – a movie on what happens to the soul after death – and  “The Law of Attraction in Action” – one of the Art of Allowing workshops presented by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  Quantum Popcorn DC is held on the last Friday of the month at the Art Gallery starting at 7 PM.  The viewing is always followed by an interesting, thought-provoking conversation between the presenters and the audience.   The next one will be May 27th – not sure which one will be presented – “What If?” – a documentary on the power of thought or ‘The Tapping Solution” – a documentary on Emotional Freedom Tapping.  Let’s do a poll – which one would you like to see?  Send me an email with your selection at!  If you can’t make one of the movie nights, you can rent the DVDs at Northern Lights Massage Therapy – $5 for 1 week.

That’s it for now….keep healthy and be happy!!

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East Meets West – Spring Forest Qigong

I just love teleseminars! Why?  Because I get introduced to wonderful new healing modalities that are simple, easy to use and meant for everyone to learn and use for themselves and on their families. The latest one that intrigued me falls in line with what I’ve been focusing on with a group already – getting your energy flowing.

Spring Forest Qi-sagge and Qigong are going to be wonderful adjuncts to my practice – in fact, I’m using the Qi-sagge already with some pretty impressive results! It’s so easy to learn that I’m eager to teach it to others – in fact, the creator, Master Chunyi Lin, encourages anyone who learns the Qi-sagge to teach it to others so that there can be “a healer in every family and a world without pain.” As to the Qigong forms, again, easy to learn in a short space of time.

So, what is Spring Forest Qigong? It’s a healing art form from Traditional Chinese Medicine that offers everyone a simple yet very powerful way to awaken their natural healing ability put together in a manner that is easy for anyone to follow. Simplicity is the name of the game. With the Spring Forest Qigong Level One program, there are only eight active exercises that are like moving meditations which will strengthen your physical energy and help to open all of the energy channels (meridians) in your body. They help bring your Yin (feminine, passive, spiritual) energy into balance with your Yang (masculine, active and physical) energy. Too much imbalance between the two leads to blockages in the body and, of course, to what we know as dis-ease processes (insert any name you want here).

In addition to the active exercises, Master Lin has created a meditation, The Small Universe, which teaches you how to consciously move your energy from one point to another using breath, sound and visualization. This meditation helps to clear energy blockages along the Governing and Central meridians – the main two energy channels, along the front and back of you, that control and influence the all the other channels in your body.

The part of the program that I am most excited about is the Qi-sagge – a technique that combines the energy principles of qigong with the art of massage! Like I said, it’s very easy to learn as it consists of about 32 points (on each side of the body) that are stimulated to open up the energy channels (meridians) related to the points. These points are on the head, shoulders, back, arms, hands, hips, legs and feet and are among the most important energy points in your body and stimulation of these points have a wide-reaching effect on your system.

For instance, if I massage the point on your elbow, the energy goes down the forearm to your index finger, flows back up along a specific energy channel to the top of the shoulder, then flows inside the body to the lungs and the large intestines clearing everything along the way.  Stimulating these points can also have a balancing effect on the emotions – which is interesting to me, in that, when I use the Emotion Code and find that a meridian is out of balance, it is often a trapped emotion that is the root cause.  Sweet when two modalities totally complement each other.

Watch this video to get a glimpse of a Qi-ssage session…..

So, those of you in my neighborhood, if you want to experience a Qi-ssage, book an appointment with me.  If you want to learn more about Spring Forest Qigong, the exercises and the Qi-ssage, attend the Monday Informational Sessions in April or, if that’s not an option, then email me and let me know if you would be interested in attending a week-end workshop on this.   For the rest of you, go here to learn more about this wonderful easy system and become the healer in your family!

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The Best Kept Secret For Balancing The Body – NST!

In 2002, I was searching for a technique that would make my life easier as a massage therapist – something that would keep me from the injuries that were beginning to plague me.   I was, also, looking for something that would balance the body quickly so that I would be able to work with the craniosacral system more easily and I was looking for something that would give better, more permanent results for my clients.   I found it in NST (Neurostructural Integration Technique) – an easy to apply system that balances the body in ways massage doesn’t begin to touch.

NST is the brain-child of Australian-born Michael Nixon-Livy, an Applied Physiologist,  who took on the challenge in 1991 of transforming the advanced principles of the late Australian bodywork genius, Tom Bowen, into a practical and teachable system.  I was sure impressed when I took his course in Vancouver way back in 2002 – yes, it is easy to learn and here is a short explanation of what it’s all about…

You will notice that he is promoting his DVD series that is available to anyone who wants to learn the method as it is safe to use on virtually anyone. The youngest person I’ve worked with was an infant and the oldest was 93 years of age. As he states in the video, I, too, will get clients who have tried everything else and this is the one method that will often give them relief for the first time in a long time. In fact, when I first began using NST in my clinic, my clients wanted to know why I hadn’t learned it sooner because they felt so good! I actually took the first class taught in Canada with Michael along with six of my former massage school classmates who were searching for the same thing I was!

So, if you want to experience this for yourself, book an appointment with me at or check for a practitioner near you.

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“The Perfect Food For My Befriended Body”

Esther Hicks

Image via Wikipedia

This is a journal entry from the Abraham-Hicks Publication – excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, October 29th, 2000.  I ran across this when I was decluttering recently and thought I’d share it with you as the theme on this blog is mostly about food, your body and energy alignment.   This is what Abraham has to say, through Esther Hicks, about the relationship we should have with our bodies and the way we nourish it……

“What is the perfect food? We would say there is not one, other than water. We encourage lots of that for all of you. Drink as much water as you can get into your body, and then eat anything else that feels good to you.

We would, for a little while, step away from the subject of food altogether in terms of trying to make anything happen. And we’d get as happy as we can relative to other aspects of our life, until we could feel that our cork is floating mostly about most things. And then we would say, “I’m going to befriend my body. I’m going to become a friend with my body. I’m going to make my body my friend.” That is so essential: making your body your friend.

Most of you are afraid of your body. Your body feels like something that might trick you. It might get run over, or it might make the wrong decision, or it might die too early, or it might get a disease in it, or it might do something, after all, it has all kinds of mysteries. You can’t look into your body. You can’t see metabolism. You can’t see what’s happening with the cells. You don’t really understand your body. And your body frightens you in most cases.

Continue reading

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And now….Emotional Freedom Tapping!

On Monday, our group (you can join us, if you’d like) spent the evening exploring the many different ways you can approach the negative aspects of weight loss – like body image, cravings, things that have been said to you, or that you overheard, at some point in your life.

I want to expand on this last one because I bet we all can relate to being told to “eat what’s on your plate because there’s starving children (wherever) who would love to be eating this!”  I just checked myself and wouldn’t you know it – I have trapped emotions relating to this statement!  Using the Sway Test, I found that it’s the emotion “love unreceived” which I didn’t process somewhere around the age of 5.   Dr. Bradley Nelson’s definition of this emotion reads ” a feeling that love expressed is or has been rejected, feeling unwanted, not cared for, not accepted, a lack of love where it is desired.”

I released this one and discovered that I had another one – “taken for granted” – picked up around age 7.  Definition of this is – “feels treated with careless indifference, not given thanks for something accomplished, similar to ignored.”  Released this one and have no others so it will be interesting to see if this makes any difference to me as my current tendency is to eat everything on my plate even if I’m full before it’s clean.  Oh, those trapped emotions – they can play havoc without you knowing it!

It was great fun to share our stories, to play with different ways of posing the questions, to discover someone’s trapped emotion without them saying anything – just thinking their question, and to run the magnet down their backs.  Love these sessions!

Next Monday, we will be exploring Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT) which we can all use in order to change our relationship with food and our body image in a short time.  EFT involves tapping on specific acupressure points that link to the meridian system which runs everywhere in your body and talking out loud about your problem in order to reprogram your mind and nervous system to adopt an entirely different attitude towards everything related to why you can’t lose weight.

In essence, this will neutralize your negative thought patterns and emotions that are keeping you stuck – allowing you to be at peace with them – and, then, you instill what you want instead.  A simple painless method that stops the self-sabotage, wild cravings, changes your self-image and cuts the emotional crap that is usually is the root cause of being over-weight.

I say usually because sometimes you also need to look at nutritional imbalances as well – any sensitivities to food substances can set up an inflammatory process that can balloon you up a size or two – and all the tapping in the world won’t help you then.  That’s where the Sway Test can be used to test for anything that upsets your digestive system – use this to improve your food choices so your body can detox and absorb the nutrition offered by your new lifestyle eating pattern.  Add in the EFT and you have a winning combination!  The unwanted inches will just melt away!

The Emotional Freedom Tapping is forever evolving and being applied to a large number of issues we can all relate to.   If you want to really dive into learning more about this fabulous technique, you might want to join the over 150,000 people who have signed up for the free 2011 Tapping World Summit that begins on Feb 21 – click here to learn everything you would like to know about EFT and the Summit!

I’m so excited to share with my group, and you, yet another fabulous method of quick and easy change that I found while doing research for this blog – it’s called “Ask and Receive”.  Watch Margaret Lynch, Master EFT practitioner and presenter at the Summit, receive the benefit of this method by clicking here.

Until next time, begin or keep on tapping!

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Love Thy Body – Love Thyself with The Emotion Code

Cover of "The Emotion Code"

Cover of The Emotion Code

February is all about LOVE being that Valentine’s Day falls in the middle of it.  We are bombarded with pictures of couples, hearts and chocolate.  All this is very nice but what if chocolates were your nemesis and you couldn’t control yourself and ate the whole box in one fell swoop!  How do you feel afterwards?  I bet you’re like me – first, I feel nauseated from all that sugar and, second, the mind-bashing begins.  I must admit I can be pretty rough on myself when I over-indulge without meaning to – it just happens but why?

I know consciously that what I’m doing isn’t good for me but I can’t seem to stop myself or change the pattern. Where do patterns/habits come from?  According to all the experts, they originate in the sub-conscious mind which records and stores everything that you have ever experienced in your entire lifetime – good or bad!  Think about it – everything from the time you were born – heck, even before you were born (babies can hear in the womb) – to whatever age you are now.  And, worse luck, it replays things back to us when we least expect – when we don’t even know it – when we wish it wouldn’t.   The good thing is that there are a lot of techniques available these days that can reprogram the subconscious mind so that bad habits and sabotaging behaviors disappear and we can love ourselves and our bodies like we are meant to.

For the month of February, we are going to explore some of these techniques and methods and the first one is The Emotion Code.

The Emotion Code was developed by Dr Bradley Nelson, a chiropractor, naturopath and renowned lecturer, who revealed how emotionally-charged events from your past, stuck in the subconscious mind, can still be haunting you in the form of “trapped emotions”; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body.

In his book, Dr. Nelson explains clearly and concisely how trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction and eventual disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how successful you will be.

Perhaps the most important discovery that Dr. Nelson has made is that trapped emotional energies will often gather around the heart, creating a “Heart-Wall” that may block you from giving and receiving love freely – not only in relation to others but to yourself, too.

The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of unseen baggage. Releasing trapped emotions often results in the sudden disappearance of physical problems, self-sabotage, and recurring relationship difficulties.

How do you use the Emotion Code for Weightloss?

With your focus on weight loss – use any form of muscle testing (the Sway Test is easiest to learn) and ask the question “Do I have any trapped emotions that I want to release in relation to my weight loss issues?”  If the answer is yes and continuing to use the muscle test of your choosing, looking at the Emotion Code chart, you would ask if the trapped emotion is in Column A or B and which row is it in and which emotion is it from the emotions listed in the box where the column and row connect.  Once you know which emotion it is, you can simply ask if you need to know more about the emotion.

  • if yes, find out how old you were when you experienced this emotion and weren’t able to fully process it – ergo “trapped” it.
  • if no, simply release the emotion by running a magnet (any kind will do) over your forehead to the base of your neck or down your spine wherever you can reach – three times to release that emotion from your body, your subconscious mind, and your life.

Continue asking the same question and releasing trapped emotions related to weight loss until you get a ‘no’ response to the question.   Then, you’d take it one step deeper and ask if you have a Heart Wall and have any trapped emotions related to your weight issues that you’d like to release from this, too, in the same manner as you did with a regular trapped emotion.

There is more to the Emotion Code than just these two aspects and you can find out by contacting me (I am an Emotion Code Practitioner and can help you with this) or by buying the book from your local book store or on-line.

The Emotion Code is being used around the world by ordinary people with ordinary problems and they are getting amazing results!  Why not you?  Why not now?

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Let’s Begin The New Year Right!

It’s been awhile since I last posted anything here – Christmas came around with grandchildren to play with and then I needed time to rest and rejuvenate from a sinus infection that appears to be making the rounds.  In this first part of the New Year, which, by the way, is the year of creativity, I’ve been reflecting on what I would like to offer you, the readers, in terms of information and ideas – I have lots but would like to be able to focus on you and your concerns.  So, would you be willing to give me feed-back on what subjects you would like to receive more information about?

1. Do you want to know more about clearing emotions with the Emotion Code or EFT or TFT?

2. Do you want to know more about the Feldenkrais Method and how using this can reconnect you with body?

3. Do you want to know more about meditation and its benefits?

4. Do you want to know more about balancing your meridians and chakras for better health?

5. Do you want to know more about nutrition?

6. Or do you want all of the above?

Leave a comment for me or email me at with your suggestions.

In the meantime, I will share with you 2 things that are coming soon and that you can participate in….Jan 31 will be a showing of the documentary “Food Matters – let food be thy medicine” at 853-106 Avenue Dawson Creek from 7 PM to 9 PM.  It’s full of helpful information on making better choices nutritionally that are easy to implement and I can see a movement of some sort arising from this.   Secondly, I will be hosting classes bi-weekly, starting Feb 3 at 7 PM, on Donna Eden’s 4-day Introductory Intensive Energy Medicine for Women course where we will view and practice the energy balancing routines that are featured in her book “Energy Medicine for Women”. In fact, here is something I highly recommend for everyone – her 5 Minute Morning Routine:

Did you take the time to try this out?  If you did, how different do you feel?  No?  Go back and DO IT!  I wouldn’t recommend anything I haven’t already tried – this is good – just do it for your own well-being!

I look forward to hearing from you as to what you want to know more about….until next time……

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Move Your Energy!!!!

We had so much fun yesterday at the weekly Informational Session -laughing our way through tapping (and thumping) sequences to get our energy moving using Donna Eden’s Morning Energy Sequence ( – Resources tab – free handout) – an easy 10 minute routine that really revs you up!   Do this at least once a day and  I promise you good things will happen!   Like to follow along instead of reading? – then find her on youtube and breathe and tap along.

Keeping our energies moving is one true way to better health – do it with a smile on your face and it gets even better!   Did you know that Chinese Medicine is based on keeping the energy flowing through the 12 meridians?  The lung, heart, stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, bladder, small intestine, large intestine, kidney, circulation sex and triple warmer meridians run through and/or are connected to every tissue in your body.  Simply tapping on various points on your face, head or torso can keep them flowing nicely – add some words to your tapping, as is done with the Emotional Freedom Tapping, and you can make huge changes in your life!

Easy Steps to Flowing Energy:

  • Smile (better still, laugh!) – changes your thoughts and feelings, doesn’t it?  Laughing works the diaphragm and massages all your organs as well.
  • Breathe deeply – centers you, brings extra oxygen to your cells, clears the head
  • Stretch, yawn, move around, dance – opens up the joints, expands you, gets the blood moving
  • Tap, thump or rub – all over yourself – especially your head, face and torso – you’re bound to activate an acupuncture point or meridian and open up a blocked area by accident!
  • Integrate the 2 sides of your brain – tongue at the roof of your mouth or touch opposite knee to opposite hand – anything that crosses the mid-line of your body.
  • Shout!!! Just for the fun of it! and make it come from the bottom of your feet!  Get that voice energy moving!
  • Do Brad Yate’s “Tap of the Morning” routine to get your day off to a great start!

Start your day off doing any of these and your day will flow much better – try it for a few days and see!

Honestly, if we all could get used to the idea that everything is energy – thoughts, sound, movement, emotions, illnesses, humans, plants, animals, rocks, water, air, everything around us – and could get used to the idea that everything is connected through the transmission of energy – then, maybe, we’d all begin to understand that we can affect the way energy moves – especially within ourselves.

I guess that makes each and every one of us natural healers.  So, get to it, folks, quit relying on everyone else to make you feel better – get your own energies moving, get back to having fun with it, learn some different techniques and then teach them to someone else.   Before you know it – the whole world will feel better!  Or at the very least, you will and that’s what counts!



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Moving the way I’d like to move!

I just got back from my singing group’s (Potluck in the Basement Singers) recording session of our Christmas CD where we were standing for 2 hours, basically non-stop.  A little hard on the body!  So, I thought, hey, I could get on my SoQi bed and use the Chi machine and shake all that tension away… OR… I could lie down on my Feldie mat, find an Awareness through Movement lesson on-line and get rid of it that way.

I chose to do the ATM lesson — why?  Because a few of us, at the session, began talking, when we were having our short break, about movement and changing patterns and paying attention to movement and what would be best for someone who didn’t feel flexible as far as classes go.

One of the ladies had attended the ATM classes I taught last year and was enthusiastically talking about how these classes paid off when she went for her shoulder surgery in Calgary recently.  In taking the classes, she was able to recover the flexibility in her torso which, not only, took a lot of her pre-surgery pain away but, post-surgery allowed her to speed up the recovery of movement by using some of the techniques she learned – such as visualizing the movement possibilities and doing micro-movements to re-educate her joint movement before getting to the big movements.  She, also, spoke of the sense of relaxation she always felt after a class and other benefits that showed up in her life that were a little unexpected but wonderful.

All this reminded me that I haven’t done an ATM in awhile so I went to, chose a lesson on the Home page and got down on my mat…to realize that I hurt practically everywhere!  The left and right side of my body seemed to belong to 2 different people!  As I moved through the lesson, I was reminded of all the lessons I did throughout the 4 years of my training as a Feldenkrais practitioner….how some lessons were easy and others seemed impossible to do at first, but, as we moved through the lesson and allowed softening to happen or curiousity about how many different ways we could lift our heads easily, even those impossible lessons eventually became easier and, sometimes, effortless.

After completing the lesson (Introduction to Flexion), my 2 sides felt like they belonged to just me now and the pain level was minimal.  On standing, I felt taller but my feet were still complaining a bit so I went to my favorite site for fun short lessons ( and did her Lesson of the Month which happened to be a walking lesson.   Now, my toes and heels feel connected to my hips and back!  So, on that note, I will head for bed and a good night’s sleep!!

But, before I do, please do yourself a favour and go to these web-sites and try out a lesson or 2 … and let me know how you felt before and after….pass this on to your friends and family…we all need this.   Maybe after Christmas, I’ll start up another round of classes…..would you come?

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